the Istana, Nurul Iman or Royal Palace

On the three days following the end of
Hari Raya, the major Muslim holy observance, the royal family of Brunei
opens their Istana or palace, and receives visitors for three days,
greeting guests for three hour each morning and afternoon. When one of
the hotel staff suggested that we make the trip, we jumped at this
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You see, not only do visitors get to
see the sultan's palace, but they get to meet the members of the royal
family. So, this was our chance to meet the wealthiest ruler in the
world (actually my chance, as it was segregated by sex--Tracy got to
meet the queen, the Sultans #1 wife). We booked a taxi and headed to
the palace, about 15 minutes away. Arriving at the gate, Tracy
attracted a great deal of attention as she posed for a photograph
outside the palace gates (photo to the left). Suffice it to say
that with the exception of
the odd western contractor, tall blonde haired people are a bit of a
rarity on these occasions. There was a crush of people waiting for the
busses to carry them up the hill to the palace, and so we elected to
walk up the hill. On the way we encountered many Muslim families, attired in their Friday best (that
is the Islamic holy day), and snapped a
picture of the family in the picture
at the upper
left. The first stop on our tour was a massive
it was two pavilions
separated by a courtyard. The pavilion on the right was set up as a
grand buffet, feeding the 17,000 or so people who visit each session.
The photo at the lower left shows one of the many serving stations. The
food was free, part of the Hari Raya celebration, donated by the
Sultan. The photo at the lower right gives some idea of the magnitude
of the crowds dining on the Sultan's dime.

Crossing the courtyard shown in the
photo to the left, we arrived at the marshalling area, where visitors
were divided by sexes. At about the point marked by the purple bush in
the photo to the left, I said goodbye to Tracy, and gradually wound my
way through the line to the seating area. In the photo to the right, I
say goodbye to Tracy, as her line initially moved much more slowly than
did the line for males. Consequently, I got to the seating area much
more quickly than did Tracy. However, when I arrived, the majority of
the seats were occupied by the military and the police. Apparently, we
arrived on the day that the Sultan personally thanks his armed forces.
So, as I waited patiently while 4,000 or so members of Brunei's armed
services shuffled through, Tracy's line moved much more quickly. The
photo at the bottom left shows the women's receiving line. There were
20 rows, with at least 50 chairs in each row, and the line moves
constantly. While there was a slight breeze, it was still very hot
waiting in this pavilion for two hours. Once you work your way beyond
the chairs into the actual receiving line, the process goes much more
quickly. My meeting with the males of the royal family was relatively
uneventful. No one makes eye contact with the royal
family, but simply
bows their head and receives (by western standards) something
vaguely resembling a
handshake. In fairness, they do this six hours a day for two days, and
so this gets old. However, when I walked in, I did get the satsifaction of all heads momentarily craning upward,
before returning to their routine. Tracy's
audience was much more
exciting, as the
queen brightened upon seeing Tracy, asking her where she was from and
how she was enjoying Brunei. To be addressed by the queen elevated
Tracy to celebrity
status, and she was pressed (in bhasa
Malay, Brunei's national language) what the queen said. As visitors exit the Istana, we were all given a
"goodies box" of sweets (photo at lower right), while all children
received an envelope with five dollars. The videos below show what the
receiving lines looked like. Below is a video taken by Michael Cannon
of his June 2018 trip to the Istana. It includes footage of the
handshaking ceremony with the sultan.
of Hari Raya Celebration at the Istana Nurul Iman

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