Bridges of the Arno: Ponte Alla Carraias and Ponte San Trinita
A view of the Ponte Alla Carraia From Ponte Santa Trinita
The Ponte Vecchio in the late afternoon sun from Ponte Santa Trinita
A Larger view of the Ponte Vecchio in the morning from Ponte Santa Trinita
are two bridges west of the Ponte Vecchio, the Ponte San Trinita
and the Ponte Alla Carraia. Both bridges are one-way, and they handle the
bulk of the traffic from the western part of the city, most notably the train
station. Although they lack the history of the Ponte Vecchio, both boast
beautiful stone construction and the requisite Florentine artwork. Nearest to
the Ponte Vecchio is the Ponte Santa Trinita: most pictures of
the Ponte Vecchio are shot from this vantage point. The Ponte Santa
Trinita (photo to the left) handles the traffic from Oltrarno into Florence
proper. Handling the flow of traffic into the old quarter is the very
similar-looking Ponte Alla Carraia, located nearer to the train
(photo to the right, showing the bridge at dusk). Both bridges feature
sculptures on either side of the roadway, and are bear large insignias at the
mid-point of the bridge. Another interesting feature of both bridges is the
existence of a little platform on the outside of the railing, where one might
sit and watch the river. A favorite hang-out for young lovers, any time of the
day or night. The photo to the left shows the Ponte Santa Trinita at