Bridges of the Arno: Ponte Vecchio
A Larger view of the Ponte Vecchio in the morning from Ponte Santa Trinita
A view of the Ponte Alla Carraia From Ponte Santa Trinita
A View of Ponte Vecchio in the late afternoon sun from Ponte Santa Trinita
with the Duomo thePonte Vecchio is one of the landmarks that
defines Florence. Although perhaps the only aspect of the bridge with true
Renaissance significance is the bust of Benevenuto Cellini, (picture to the
right)the history of the Ponte Vecchio is intimately intertwined with the
history of Florence and its rulers. Dating back to Roman times, until 1218, the
Ponte Vecchio was the only bridge across the Arno. Today its role in
transport is considerably reduced, as the bulk of the commercial traffic is
handled by sister bridges, including the Ponte Alla
Carraia and the
Ponte Santa Trinita. Interestingly, even the
Germans seemed to appreciate the significance of this bridge; it was the only
bridge not destroyed in their retreat in the closing phase of World War II. The
shop has been a hub of commercial activity since the 13th century,
as a center for fishmongers, butchers, and tanners. Apparently the latter
activity in particular (or rather the stench and discharge from the tanneries)
drew the ire of the Medicis
in the nearby palace, so in 1593 a decree was issued that banned all commerical
activities except for goldsmiths on the bridge. And it has been that way ever
since. The bridge, covered on both sides by shops (photo to the left) that close
up like large suitcases at night (photo to the right) is now a teaming tourist
area, the primary point of access between the city proper and Oltrarno,
the old city and artists quarter. Another interesting feature is the passageway
above the shops on the east side, a passage that connected the old Medici Palace
(Palazzo Vecchio) to the new
Pitti Palace. [If you select one of the highlighted
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