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Welcome Back!
Not too much new in this update since we have not been traveling recently.  There is one new virtual tour, that of the Roman Forum.  It is a reworking of a tour Dale did for a Google Summit pre-retirement. Two interesting features of the tour are that it offers a "then" and "now" look at the forum, much like our tour of Diocletian's Palace. The second interesting feature is the use of AI-generated voices.  We took an audio clip of each of our voices and use elevenlabs.io to generate a likeness of our voices. The result is a bit unnerving. My AI voice is in the opening splash screen of the VR Roman Forum tour, while the audio narration of the tour is a text to speech process using Tracy's cloned voice. While we think the "real" voices are better (when we are in good form), the difference is smaller than we would have ever guessed!

The website has now seen 8,000+ visitors since the last update, so it would seem some people have found the site valuable in their trip planning, and we hope you will too. And, please, share this site with anyone who might have an interest in these travel destinations

Again, here are the different sections of our webpage:

Thank you for stopping by our little corner of the Internet. As always, we enjoy hearing from visitors with comments or suggestions.
Tracy and Dale
Something not working? Email us at VirtualTraveler@hotmail.com. (Please copy and paste this address into your email program).  

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The Virtual Traveler
This is a digital photo album of our
marriage in 1999 and subsequent
destinations: Beirut, Singapore,
and now Kuala Lumpur.

A catalogue of our pre-2011 trips to
Europe, the Middle East, South Asia,
Southeast Asia, and East Asia
Recently uploaded travels from
Croatia and Slovenia, plus local
KL attractions

A  site dedicated to 360 degree
immersive tours, including those
made for virtual reality headsets

What's New?
  • July 2023:
  • October 2023:
    • Added Petra Tour to Virtual Traveler
  • April 2024

More to come. . .

April 2024 Virtual Tour: Eketorps Borg Stone Age Settlement, Oland, Sweden

Medieval GateSnap Content